Migrationspakt 2024

14. Die Europ ische Union hat die Reform ihrer Migrations - und Asylpolitik abgeschlossen - ein Wendepunkt, um den ein Jahrzehnt lang hartn ckig gerungen, 11. Das Europ ische Parlament hat gestern gr nes Licht f r das neue Migrations - und Asylpaket gegeben. Kommissionspr sidentin Ursula von der Leyen, 23. This system, on which the European Parliament voted in is designed to support Member States that face important migratory pressures and that, 10. The European Parliament today adopted ten legislative texts to reform European migration and asylum policy as agreed with EU member states.10. The European Commission welcomes the result of today’s vote in the Parliament, which will make the Pact on Migration and Asylum a reality. It is a, 20. Today, five key files of the Pact have been agreed on. These measures will. establish a new solidarity mechanism amongst EU countries to share the amount of, 12. The Pact on Migration and Asylum was passed in a historical political agreement. This new EU legal framework sets the stage for a fair and efficient migration, 5. Final vote on landmark migration and asylum pact. MEPs will discuss and vote on Wednesday on ten new bills updating the EU asylum and migration rules, 9. MEPs ready to adopt the Pact on Migration and Asylum. But no longer rejoyce over the outcome. On the eve of the plenary session vote on dossiers agreed with the EU Council, negotiators no longer speak of a historic moment but only of responsibility to arrive at a common European framework. Almost all the initial red lines have fallen, and. 10. The European Parliament has approved a landmark overhaul of the European Union’s asylum and migration rules. The parliament’s main political groups overcame opposition from far-right and far. 17. The basis for the work of the two co-legislators remains the Roadmap signed by the Parliament and the five Presidencies up to, which seeks to have nine proposals adopted before the end of the, 9. The idea of forcing asylum-seekers to settle outside the EU’s borders is gaining traction, as reflected in the EPP manifesto for the June elections. Despite the broad appeal of limiting migration, however, the EU also needs migrants to fill crucial low-skill jobs, such as in construction, for which there is an acute shortage of workers.10. The European Commission has welcomed the result of today’s vote in the European Parliament, endorsing the political agreement on the Pact on Migration and Asylum. The Pact sets the stage for a fairer, more efficient, and more sustainable framework to manage migration. This achievement shows that the EU can find common European, 29. The EU says the aim of the pact is to create a more common migration procedure among the member states. External borders. Under the pact, there will be what the EU describes as more secure. 30. The Government’s decision to opt into a new EU migration pact, due to take effect, will result in “less safeguards, increased detention and destitution among people seeking protection. 15. By Chiara Catelli. After many months of complicated negotiations and a failed attempt to find a deal in December, the European Council EUCO finally adopted a revision of the EU’s long-term budget the so-called ‘Multiannual Financial Framework’ MFF 2021-2027’ at its extraordinary meeting February. Compared with the European,

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