Rheinbach-Kurtenberg 2024

Jan. 22, 2024. City of Rheinbach. The Mayor Schweigelstra Telephone, 917 - 917-stadt-rheinbach. de. Mayor Ludger Banks. Citizens' consultation hours Monthly: 3:00 p.m.: Next appointment: June 5th. 2024. Register here. Opening times Citizens' Information Library, November 6th, 2023. 11.01. 2024: “Henorte” watershed - Hilberath, Todenfeld and Neukirchen with the districts of Berscheid, Gro-Schlebach, Irlenbusch, Klein-Schlebach, Krahforst, Kurtenberg, Merzbach, Nubaum, Scherbach and Vogelsang Aula KGS Merzbach. The workshops start every o'clock. Registration is not possible in days. Monday, June 3rd Civil engineering work in Rheinbach in the Christoph-Palme-Ring. Due to civil engineering work, the street Christoph-Palme-Ring will be closed. June 10, Friday, April 28, 2022. Bad M nstereifel: Rheinbacher Hhen forestry district, sales signposted from the Rheinbach-Kurtenberg Vier Winden intersection. Collection on Friday and Saturday April 29th, and.

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